Prof. Dr. Axel-C. Ngonga Ngomo Augustusplatz 10, Zimmer P905 04109 Leipzig
Research interests
Many including:
- Knowledge Extraction and Management (
- Information Retrieval (
- Link Discovery (
- Machine Learning (
Community Projects
ALOE: The aim of the ALOE (Assisted Linked data cOnsumption Engine) project is to provide an engine for the semi-automatic generation of consumption configurations.
BOA: The BOotstrapping linked datA (BOA) project aims to provide means to extract RDF from text by using natural-language patterns learned from the Linked Open Data cloud.
BorderFlow is a general-purpose graph clustering application that computes a soft clustering of the input graph according to the Border Flow algorithm.
CVK: The Clustering and Visualization Kit (CVK) is a graph clustering and visualization framework that allows the rapid development and evaluation of novel graph clustering algorithms via a simple yet efficient plugin architecture.
DISCO is an interactive online application for the extraction of domain-specific corpora for tagged data sources. The current implementation works with the english version of Wikipedia as background data.
FOX: The Federated knOwledge eXtraction Framework uses ensemble learning for the generating high-quality RDF out of unstructured datas sources.
LIMES: The LInk discovery framework for MEtric Spaces (LIMES) is a time-efficient and lossfree matcher for instances from SPARQL endpoints. It relies on sampling to run signifcantly faster than conventional mappers.
SAIM: The idea behind SAIM is provide means for the automatic discovery of link specifications for Link Discovery. For this purpose, it combines stable matching, supervised machine learning and active learning approaches.
SIUQ: This project aims at providing approaches to keyword queries for the Semantic Web.
Financed Projects
LInk discovery framework for MEtric Spaces (LIMES++, 2011)
- General Information: LIMES is a link discovery framework for the Web of Data. LIMES++ is facilitated by an Amazon and aims at implementing a cloud version of the LIMES framework.
- I am the principal investigator for this project for
Semantic Content Management Systems (SCMS, 2009–2012)
- General Information: The aim of SCMS is to integrate Semantic Content and Knowledge Engineering into CMS and to deploy these solutions in real-world use cases including news mining in the energy and tourism sectors.
- I am the principal investigator for this project for
Pre Built Information Space (PreBIS, 2002–2006)
- General information: The project sponsored by the German Ministry for Education and Research and was concerned with developing strategies for the context-dependent information supply of knowledge workers.
- I worked on the conception, design, implementation and testing of the project including the intelligent information retrieval kernel, semantic query expansion, implicite feedback, ...
Haus der fünf Kontinente (HFK, 2003–2004)
- General information: The goal of the project is to give general information on the various steps involved in the process of gaining admission to study at a German university.
- I was mainly involved in the conception and implementation of the web-based information server.
Personalisierte Interaktive Audio-, Voice- und Video-Informationen für Portal- und Auswertungsanwendungen (Pi-AVIda, 2002)
- General information: The project was sponsored by the German Ministry for Education and Research and was concerned with the development of techniques for the segmentation and classification of multimedia data streams for portal applications. Important aspects were the personalization and the device-dependent streaming of retrieved data.
- I was involved in the project during my internship at the Fraunhofer IAO and was charged with research work on Information Retrieval strategies and standards for multimedia metadata
- Software Technik (Spring 2010)
- Graph Clustering (Fall 2009/2010)
- Computerspiel-Entwicklung (Fall 2007/2008)
- Game Modding (Spring 2007)
- Games Summer Camp (Spring 2006)
- Content and Knowledge Management (Spring 2006)
- Prozess-orientierte Content-Nutzung (Fall 2003/2004)
- Stanley Hillner (2010): LIMES M / R
- Rene Speck (2010): Implementation and Evaluation of Caching Strategies for Graph Clustering
- Jan Rausch (2010): Evolutionary Graph Clustering using Graph and Cluster Mixtures
- Patrick Fomy (2009): Evalation von Bibliotheken für Graphvisualisierung
- Phillip Günther (2008): Anwendung von Strategien der mathematischen Spieltheorie in einer Mikroökonomie
- Sylvana Lange (2006): An implementation of the combinatory game Nim
- Robert Rauch, Alexander Engel (2005–2006): Generating neural networks in Java (dt. Generische Erzeugung von neuronalen Netzen in Java)
- Semantic Web Praktikum (Spring 2011)
- Information Retrieval and Text Mining (Spring 2009, 2010, 2011)
- E-Business
- Software-Engineering
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Other publications
Schumacher, F.; Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C.:
Computerspiele als Lehrmittel an der Universität Leipzig. In Proceedings of the Leipziger Informatik Tage 2007. Leipzig, 2007.
Härtwig, J.; Gross, A.; Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C.; Schumacher, F.:
Evaluation des Pre BIS- Kerns in einer Anwendungsumgebung. In: Fähnrich, K.-P. (Hrsg.); Härtwig, J. (Hrsg.) ; Kiehne, D.-O. (Hrsg.) ; Weisbecker, A. (Hrsg.): Technologien und Werkzeuge für ein rollen- und aufgabenbasiertes Wissensmanagement Bd. V. Bd. Leipzig: Eigenverlag der Unversität Leipzig, 2007, S. 159–173
Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C.:
Computer gaming: Some scientific challenges. In: Fähnrich, K.-P. (Hrsg.); Heyer, G. (Hrsg.): Games Summer Camp 2006 Bd. VIII. Leipzig: Eigenverlag der Unversität Leipzig, 2007, S. 45–50
Professional Activities
- PC Member of
OM 2012,
- PC Member of
LDoW 2012,
- PC Member of
EKAW 2012
- PC Member of
ICWE 2012
- PC Chair
I'Semantics 2011
- PC Member of
SCA 2011
- Reviewer for
LREC 2011
- Reviewer for
ICBO 2011
- Member of the editorial board of
JITR 2011
- Reviewer for the
International Journal of Computers and Applications 2011
- Demo and Poster Chair
ICWE 2011
- Reviewer for the
Semantic Web Journal 2010
- Reviewer for
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2010
- PC Member of
SDoW@ISWC 2010,
- PC Member of
OBML 2010,
- PC Member of
ESWC 2010,
- Reviewer for
- Reviewer for
- PC Member of
Graph Algorithms for Semantic Computing 2008,
- Best Research Paper Award at ISWC 2011
- Best Presentation Award at CICLing 2009
- Best Student Paper Award at CICLing 2008
- DAAD-Award 2003 for excellent achievement for foreign students
- Scholarship from the German Research Fund 2004–2007